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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drew Fudenberg

A..B., Harvard College, 1978, Applied Mathematics
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Economics, 1981

Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1981-1985
Visiting Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall 1984
Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Winter 1985
Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1985-1987
Visiting Professor, University of Toulouse, Spring 1992
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987 - 1993
Professor, Harvard University, 1993 - present
Visiting Professor, MIT, 2003-2004

Professional Activities

Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grants, 1982 - present
Associate Editor of: the Journal of Economic Theory, 1984-1996; the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1984-1989; Econometrica, 1985-1996; Games and Economic Behavior, 1988-1993. Foreign Editor, Review of Economic Studies, 1993-1996.
Editor of Econometrica, 1996-2000.
Member of Program Committee for the Winter 1985 and Summer 1987 North American Meetings, and the 1990 World Congress, of the Econometric Society.
National Science Foundation Panel, 1993-1995.

Fellowships And Awards

Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, 1984
Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1987.
Guggenheim Fellow, 1990.
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1998.
Member of the Council of the Econometric Society, 1998-.

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