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Friday, August 8, 2008

Tonight Belongs to Beijing, China!!

It is my great pleasure, really really great pleasure, to say that the Olympic Game of 2008 will be held in Beijing China today: 2008-08-08 !

The opening ceremony will begin 30 minitues later, it is the greatest honor of all our Chinese People. We will try our best to offer a wonderful Olympic Game for all the people from all over the world!

As a world wide event, it is really a great opportunity for the people to know China better. China is better than ever, please give your precious support to China. People in China thanks for all your support.


Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Miss Elle said...

I'm currently watching Olympics. the opening ceremony was fantastic my friend. Very well-prepared. The fireworks were impressive. :)

Dori said...

I have been watching the Opening Ceremony also, along with my husband and we are amazed by it. The ceremony was absolutely magical and SO WELL DONE!!! I know that you are proud. It has been great to watch. All the best to you! I will be back to read more.

desperateblogger said...

if only i could i would come to beijing to watch the olympics. hats off to china! great job!

Jason, 汪德新 said...

Dear miss elle:
Thx for your interesting to support Beijing~

Hope our chinese people have provided a good opening ceremony to the world :-)

OMG OMG: said...

Hi, miss elle and dori, thanks very much for your interest to China.

Hope China can offer a nice olympic to the world~ and to you ~

Anonymous said...

only one word for that:amazing~~

Anonymous said...

great job done by china i wish i could be there

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